langsung aja aku di sini punya cara "manggil" golden boss itu....pingin tau caranya??
Golden Slime (Gate Of Alker,Dire burst - Lvl 9) - Kill Counter Part 3+ times Bust And Dire Burst Will Spawn
3x Golden Jelly
Golden Slime Helm = P deff 5% when use shield

Golden Turtle (Gate Of Alker,Dire seolkata - Lvl 16) - Kill Counter Part 3+ times Seolkata And Dire seolkata Will Spawn
3x Gold Turtle Carapace
Dire Golden Turtle Helm
Golden Gargoyle (Moon Blind Forest,receipt of ahyibaet - Lvl 45) - Kill Counter Part Mirias And receipt of ahyibaet Will Spawn
3x Received the gold sharp claws
Goddess Blessed Necklace
Golden Griffin (The Way To Howling Ravine,Stahl Week - Lvl 60) - Kill Piori 5 Times In A Row To Spawn Stahl Week
3x Suwangui feathers
Golden Gryphon Wing = move speed 40%
Golden Gargoyle (Dryed Gezall Fall,Casa Snowboard - Lvl 70) - Kill Silver Gargoyle's Till You Get The Message "Argent Leader Gargoyle Spawned! Coordinates: 390x400" Then A Argent Leader Gargoyle Will Spawn At Jagged Peak Kill It And It Will Spawn Casa SnowBoard
3x Thin gold bats
Golden Gargoyle Wings = move speed 33% + eva +5

Golden Lizard (Kierra's Lair,Gangdeusoah - Lvl 80) - Kill 2 Black Mudman,Captain Lizardman,Fatally Poisonous Tarantula Next To The Lake To Spawn Gangdeusoah
3x Gangdeusoahui eye (left)
3x Gangdeusoahui eye (right)
Steel Attack Ring
Steel Defense Ring

Golden Fungus (Ghost Tree Swamp,Dokkeumaseu - Lvl 90) - Kill 25 Tropical Toadstool Near The Crystal To Spawn Dokkeumaseu
3x Dokmaseukeuui Golden Room
Critical Belt = critical rate 5% critical dmg 7%

Golden Spider (Great Garden,San minor Ras - Lvl 100) - Kill Maggot Bosses In Order George>Paul>Richard>John 5 Times In A Row To Spawn San minor Ras (Every Time You Hit George You Get The Message "I Feel Gold" Meaning That The Spawn Sequence Has Started)
3x Golden spider's leg
Golden Spider Helm

Golden Werewolf (Knights Graveyard,Ara three Douala - 110) - Destroy The 3 Green Seal Stones That Will Appear In The Locations - 1st(395,430), 2nd(75,318), 3rd(345,175) (BE VERY CAREFUL Since When You Lower The Seals Hp They Spawn A Few Waves OF Monsters). Then Ara three Douala Spawns At Top Of Tower , green seal will respawn around after maintenance server only
3x Ara's golden locks
Critical Claws
[P]Golden Werewolf

Golden Fairy(Valley Of Fairys,Siwana - Lvl 120) - Kill 50 Pixies Till You Get The Message "Siwana: I Have A Beautiful Fairy", Siwanna Will Be At Brilliant Blue Hill
3x Poetry and a regular
Golden Fairy Helm increase Pdeff and Mdeff

Golden Wookies (Nera Harbor,Oh rainy leak - Lvl 130) - Kill One-Eyed Captian Wookiseu At Pirates Cove, Then four turret's Will Spawn On Both Bridges Destroy Them, Then Oh Rainy Leak Will Spawn On The Top Right Corner , one eyed captain wookiseu will respawn around 20~10minutes after killed
3x Ah the rainy season of the jewelry pieces Leek
Tough Defense Necklace 10% Pdeff 10Mdeff

Golden Salamander (Ruins of Ancient Elpis,Bunseuwoodi guardian - Lvl 145) - Kill Native Witchoctoring, Then A Little Salamander (Original Patron Sentence)Will Spawn Kill It (Upon Death It Will Give You "wrath of Aboriginal" Bleed For 2 Dmg Per Sec For 30Mins), Then Bunseuwoodi guardian Will Spawn
delay spawn of native witchoctoring=40~50 minutes
Horn bunseuwoodiui
Bunseuwoodiui tail
Dancing Salameander Helm
Salamander Claws

- Tulisan yang berwarna "kuning" menandakan kalo aku sendiri belum pernah melawan dan melihat boss itu
- Tulisan yang berwarna "merah" menandakan boss itu hanya spawn setelah maintenance server atau server restart....jadi kalau server ga maintenance ya ga bakal ada boss itu
- Tulisan yang di "underline + italic" berarti itu adalah drop2an boss tersebut
~Credits to 7Luna Community~
si anjing
BalasHapusgk goblok
kok gk ada rajanya