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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Warriors Orochi

Warriors Orochi [Full-Rip.SkullpturaEng | PC | 918.18 MB

How To Download using Torrents : Click This

.Torrent URL

sumber:klik di sini

Warrior Orochi Minimum Requirements

  • Operating System : Windows XP and Windows Vista (incompatible with 64-bit editions)
  • CPU : Pentium 4 1.6GHz
  • RAM : 256MB
  • Hard Disk: 6GB or more of free space
  • Display: 640×480 True Color enabled
  • Video Card :3D Accelerator with Hardware T&L and Pixel Shading supporting 64MB or more of VRAM, DirectX 9.0c+
  • Sound Card :D irectX 9.0c+ compliant, 16-bit stereo with 44KHz playback supported by Windows XP/Vista
  • Controller: Keyboard
Warrior Orochi Recommended System Requirements
  • Operating System : Windows XP and Windows Vista (incompatible with 64-bit editions)
  • CPU : Pentium 4 2.6GHz
  • RAM : 512MB
  • Hard Disk: 6GB or more of free space
  • Display: 1024×768 True Color enabled
  • Video Card :3D Accelerator with Hardware T&L and Pixel Shading supporting 128MB or more of VRAM, DirectX 9.0c+
  • Sound Card :D irectX 9.0c+ compliant, 16-bit stereo with 44KHz playback supported by Windows XP/Vista
  • Controller: DirectX 9.0 compatible 12-button gamepad recommended
Install Notes: Please read "READ_ME.txt"

Screen Shot

For Video

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Arti Kode Error Pada Browser

mungkin kalian semua pernah membuka situs tapi tau-tau keluar tulisan "Error 404".....bagi yang tidak tahu kita akan bahas di sini!!!
Selain kode error 404 tersebut, terdapat pula informasi error yang terjadi dengan menggunakan kode-kode lainnya. Berikut adalah beberapa kode error yang dapat kita jumpai beserta sedikit penjelasan singkat tentang arti dari kode error tersebut:
100 = Continue
101 = Switching Protocols
201 = Created
202 = Accepted
203 = Non-Authoritative Information
204 = No Content
205 = Reset Content
206 = Partial Content
300 = Multiple Choices
301 = Moved Permanently
302 = Found
303 = See Other
304 = Not Modified
305 = Use Proxy
307 = Temporary Redirect
400 = Bad Request
401 = Unauthorized
403 = Forbidden
404 = Not Found
405 = Method Not Allowed
406 = Not Acceptable
407 = Proxy Authentication Required
408 = Request Timeout
409 = Conflict
410 = Gone
411 = Length Required
412 = Precondition Failed
413 = Request Entity Too Large
414 = Request-URI Too Long
415 = Unsupported Media Type
416 = Requested Range Not Satisfiable
417 = Expectation Failed
500 = Internal Server Error
501 = Not Implemented
502 = Bad Gateway
503 = Service Unavailable
504 = Gateway Timeout
505 = HTTP Version Not Supported

Pesan error ini sebenarnya disampaikan oleh server situs yang ditampilkan pada browser anda. Sebenarnya kode-kode itu bukan hanya pesan error, karena sebagian adalah perintah pada browser maupun crawler search engine. Misalnya kode 301, biasanya digunakan untuk memindahkan secara permanen suatu halaman situs dari URL lama ke URL baru.

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Human Torch (Fantastic 4) Mod

this mod will make your cj fly with fire on his body ....
you must install cleo first to install this mod
this is for video :

download click this
Human Torch

MOD GTA San Andreas (MegaMyth v 2.0)

maaf kalo masih pake bahasa inggris maklum dari gtagaming.....
langsung aja deh....



I am so sorry that megamyth 1.0 has been removed from gtagarage.com due to copyright issues, I have no idea why this happened, or who did this, but it was for the good....... since megamyth 2.0 is out! TAKE THAT! lol, well heres what the mod includes:

1-Bigfoot (shady creeks)
2-Serial killer (ghost town in desert)
3-Aliens (A51)
4-Mutant (in a train tunnel)
5-Zombies (san fierro)
6-Freddy kueguer (cabin in chilliad)
7-Lake monster (lake in top-left map)
8-The ring (toxic well in LS)
9-Skeletons (graveyard in LS)
10-Ghost cars (you can find them in shady creeks)
11-CJs mom ghost (in cjs house)
12-Devil (on desert ruins)
14-Terminator (on import/export boat in sanfierro)
15-Call for backup


-Tornado anywhere
-Spawn armored car
-Call for backup
-UFO invasionaries
-Cusom megamyth car
-Map of myths

Read more about this at dtmods.blogspot.com . Just because you downloaded this mod, I will give you two secrets:
-Click 8 (the one on the top) to call for backup support
-Click Ctrl+T to spawn a tornado, a real one in game! XD
download click this MegaMyth v2.0
author : http://megamythmod.ning.com/ 

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Download HJSplit dan Cara Menggabungkan File berekstensi .001

Download HJSplit di salah satu link dibawah ini:
Setelah download kemudian jalankan file .exe nya ( tanpa instalasi )
 Klik tombol "JOIN"
 Sebelumnya pastikan file yang akan digabung ( file yang berektensi .001, .002, dst ) sudah berada pada folder yang sama
Lalu klik tombol "Input File" dan pilih file yang berkstensi .001 kemudian klik "Open"
Terakhir klik tombol "START"
Tunggu smp 100%,klik "OK",Selesai Deh!!

Resident Evil 4

Developer : Capcom Production Studio 4
Publisher : Ubisoft
Size : 2.6 GB
Released : 2005
Support : Win XP,Vista,7

For Download click this
password TinyPaste:blacklist.blog

Jangan Lupa untuk Download yang lainnya di
Raphael-Blacklist Blog

Dynasty Warriors 5 Special

Langsung Aja Download Part 29 Iya Satu-Satu downloadnya Kawan

downloadnya di indowebster.com

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
untuk part 6-29 download di: TinyPaste
password TinyPaste:blacklist.blog

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

All Special Jounin Exam With C.E│Ninja Saga

Cara ini memang agak lama tapi bagi yg belum tau langsung aja..

Tools :

Steps :
1. Buka Cheat Engine pilih Proses.
2. kemudian ganti value type menjadi text
3. scan mission yang diinginkan (Contoh : mission_206)
4. klik 2 kali hingga address tersebut pindah ke bawah
5. kemudian ganti mission menjadi ( mission_124 )
6. Maka Otomatis akan menjadi mission dummy.
7. lalu tutup C.E
8.kluar dri menu special jounin campaign
9.masuk lagi ke menu special jounin campaign
10.trus plih dah misi yg tdi di scan.....
11.at last but not least.....Happy Cheating...

Berikut ini adalah kode misi special jounin : 

  • Stage 1 Chapter 1 (Force of Yami) : mission_200
  • Stage 1 Chapter 2 (Unpredicted Attack) : mission_205
  • Stage 2 Chapter 1 (Front Line Battle) : mission_202
  • Stage 2 Chapter 2 (Defense! Defense!) : mission_206
  • Stage 3 Chapter 1 (Sensor Division) : mission_203
  • Stage 3 Chapter 2 (Call for Backup) : mission_207
  • Stage 4 Chapter 1 (Secret Training) : mission_204
  • Stage 4 Chapter 2 (Swords VS Ninjutsu) : mission_208
  • Stage 5 Chapter 1 (Medical Division) : mission_201
  • Stage 5 Chapter 2 (Time to flight back) : mission_209
  • Stage 6 Chapter 1 (The release beast) : mission_210
  • Stage 6 Chapter 2(Kage VS Kage) : mission_211
  • Last Stage(Beyond Kage's Tower) : mission_212

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Tips GB di Point Blank

Item yang penting
- 1 hari paket exp + point up.
- Senjata cash 1 hari.
- Sedotan aqua untuk ganjal keyboard.

PC yang di butuhkan
- 12 pc (clan match nambah 150% exp yang di dapat)
- 9 pc (bila client sudah punya clan dan tidak mau repot)

Cara GB
- Pilih map yang sesuai. BM: lux, DM: Lib/Burning, Eli: Lib/Burning, Break: Tank
- Keyboard di ganjel dengan sedotan ke arah tertentu (tentukan sendiri spot untuk kumpul nya).
- Tentukan senjata apa yg ingin di pakai (pakai senjata cash/point agar cepat dan biaya dapat di tekan).
- Gunakan title moving speed agar larinya cepat.
- Gunakan title bom explotion delay bila ingin bom nya cepat meledak.
- Gunakan 12 pc bila ingin cepat.
- Gunakan exp up + point up 1 hari sesuai kebutuhan.

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Vatican Says Aliens Could Exist

gan hari ini saya mau posting bertita ttg vatikan yg mengatakan bahwa alien MUNGKIN saja ada tp dalam bhasa inggris gan dri BBC 

The Pope's chief astronomer says that life on Mars cannot be ruled out.
Writing in the Vatican newspaper, the astronomer, Father Gabriel Funes, said intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space.

Father Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory near Rome, is a respected scientist who collaborates with universities around the world.
The search for forms of extraterrestrial life, he says, does not contradict belief in God.
The official Vatican newspaper headlines his article 'Aliens Are My Brother'.
'Free from sin'
Just as there are multiple forms of life on earth, so there could exist intelligent beings in outer space created by God. And some aliens could even be free from original sin, he speculates.
Asked about the Catholic Church's condemnation four centuries ago of the Italian astronomer and physicist, Galileo, Father Funes diplomatically says mistakes were made, but it is time to turn the page and look towards the future.
Science and religion need each other, and many astronomers believe in God, he assures readers.
To strengthen its scientific credentials, the Vatican is organising a conference next year to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the author of the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin.

bgi yang blum bisa bahasa inggris translate ini di google translate