
Like Me!!

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011


Akhirnya bisa POSTING lagi....stelah 1 minggu menghadapi ujian mid-semester.....masih deg-degan rasanya menunggu hasil dari KERJA KERAS-ku selama ini....yah langsung saja ke TKP....

Di bawah ini beberapa istilah kualitas film yang sering muncul ketika kita akan mendownload sebuah film;
* DVDRip: yaitu merupakan salinan dari DVD Original. Kualitas gambar dan suaranya baik sekali. DVDRip akan ada jika DVD Originalnya telah ada di pasaran. Bisa mendukung maksimal 720×480 atau 720×576.
* DVDScr: yaitu merupakan dupiklat dari promo DVD yang akan digunakan sebagai promosi. DVDScr akan ada sebelum DVD originalnya keluar di pasaran. Kualitas gambar dan suaranya hampir setara dengan DVDRip, hanya saja pada gambar video sering terdapat beberapa tulisan penjelasan yang terpampang di layar tentang DVD tersebut yang biasanya sedikit menggangu kita.
* R5 : untuk tipe ini, kualitas gambar hampir setara dengan DVDRip, tetapi untuk kualitas suara biasanya agak jelek (cempreng), meskipun ada beberapa yang kualitas suaranya sudah bagus, namun tetap saja masih ada sedikit noise sehingga mengurangi kenyamanan dalam menonton film tersebut.
* CAM : kualitas jenis ini merupakan hasil dari rekaman camera digital, langsung di bioskop sehingga kadang penonton yang lalu lalang ikut terekam. Rekaman kualitas ini biasanya menggunakan mini tripod sehingga sering terdapat sedikit goncangan. Kualitas video ini sangat jelek.
* TS (Telesync) : kualitasnya hampir sama dengan jenis CAM. Namun kualitas gambar dan suara TS sedikit lebih baik dari CAM karena TS merupakan CAM yang telah dilabel ulang.
* Bluray/HD : Resolusi jauh lebih besar yaitu 1920×1080 atau 1280×720 (tergantung filenya). Konsekuensinya, file jadi besar dan memutarnya juga berat, sehingga diperlukan spesifikasi komputer yang tinggi juga. kalau tidak nanti jadi patah-patah. Kualitas ini jauh lebih baik dari DVDRip.
* mHD : mini/micro HD, hampir sama dengan HD, tetapi dengan resolusi yang lebih kecil yaitu 1280x5xx, sehingga ukuran filepun juga lebih kecil dibandingkan HD.
* Workprint : film yang belum diedit efek visulnya secara keseluruhan. Bisanya terdapat adegan yang hilang, suara yang tidak beraturan. Kualitas film ini bervariasi dari yang paling baik hingga yang paling buruk.
* VCD : biasanya digunakan untuk transfer kualitas rendah (CAM / TS / TC / Screener (VHS) / TVrip (analog) untuk membuat ukuran file yang lebih kecil.
Biasanya urutan keluarnya sebuah film di internet yaitu sebagai berikut, meskipun tidak selalu :
CAM -> TS -> R5 -> DVDScr -> DVDRip

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Temper Master Guide

Hi this Guide show how to bulid strong TM (Temper Master) with nice Eva and Strike.

Lets Start:

Race : 
Elf (Temper Master is only for Elves)

Path : 
Rogue > Ruffian > Scout > Treasure Hunter > Temper Master

Stats : 
PURE DEX (Later i explain why...)

Skills :

1 - 20 Rogue :

Dusk Slashing (MAX)
Zephyr (MAX)
Blindside (MAX)
Death Sign (MAX)
Light Evasion (MAX)
Dagger Training (MAX)

20 - 40 Ruffian

Dusk Slashing (MAX)
Wind Breaking (MAX) [Main AoE skill to 75 lvl]
Zephyr (MAX)
Detect Hole (MAX)
Blidside (MAX)
Light Evasion (MAX)
Dagger Training (MAX)
Diabolic Instinct (MAX)
Shadow Instinct (MAX)

40 - 75 Scout

Dusk Slashing > Rapid Slashing (LV. 11)
Zephyr (MAX)
Side Step (MAX)
Whispering Wind (MAX)
Fatal Touch (MAX)
Blidside (MAX)
Death Sign (MAX)
Light Evasion (MAX)
Diabolic Instinct (MAX)
Shadow Instinct (MAX)

75 - 105 Treasure Hunter 

Hunters Blast (MAX)
Hunters Smoke (MAX)
Shield Boomerang (MAX)
Zephyr (MAX)
Detect Hole (MAX)
Blidside (MAX)
Light Evasion (MAX)
Dagger Training (MAX)
Diabolic Instinct (MAX)
Shadow Instinct (MAX)

105+ Temper Master
~Remember to Reskill!!! (Its Dual Dagger Time^^)

Attack Skills :
Hunters Blast (MAX)
Hunters Smoke (MAX)
Shield Boomerang (MAX)
Casting Foil (MAX)
Ilussion Attack (MAX) [later]

Buffs :
Zephyr (MAX)
Side Step (MAX)
Detect Hole (MAX)
Fatal Touch (MAX)
Whispering Wind (MAX)
Whispering Fire (MAX)
Whispering Steps (MAX)
Whispering Stream (MAX)

Passives Skills:
Dual Wield Mastery (MAX)
Dagger Training (MAX)
Diabolic Instinct (MAX)
Shadow Instinct (MAX)
Blindside (MAX)
Death Sign (MAX)
Light Evasion (MAX)
*You will need around 120 ~ 125 to max them all xD

Combo Durring PvP and Wars :
Casting Foil> Shield Boomerang> Hunters Blast> Ilussion Attack> Hunters Smoke> Shield Boomerang...

Hat +3% Psychical Attack
BWL Suit (+10% PA, Hp, Mp, Ms)
Shini Gloves +500 hp or Any gloves +5 str 
Shini or Street Fighter Boots or Setting Sun Boots +5 str
Glasses STR
Crit Slime
Any cloak with Crit / Strike Philo

~of course if you still want use fashion use it ^^


1 - 82 
Buy Items From NPC

82 - 105
Grim Reaper (Any Philo)
80 lvl Set (i not rember name ^^)
2x Gemini +eva and +strike (one +eva and one +strike)
Neck (No needed any good now)
T belt +p attack philo
Rings (no needed any good philo now)

G suit Eva and second Strike
G Boots Eva and Second Strike
Vestige Gloves +eva
Vestige Necklace +eva / strike
Dagger +eva 
Dagger + strike
Gemini +eva
Gemini +strike
Hathor +eva
Hathor +eva
Knyee +eva and second +strike
t belt pa philo
Mirror PA.

Use one for Zephyr 6x

How to Lvl ? :
Run Around mobs and use Hunters Blast and Hunters Smoke only ^^

Place to lvling:
lvl 1-20-gate of alker,zakandia outpost
lvl 20-40-Tarintus,Moonblind forest,moonblind swamp
lvl 40-60-red orc outpost,howling ravine,howling cave 1f
lvl 60-80-howling cave 1f and 2f is enough to grind u until lvl 87,beleive me
lvl 85-90-ghost tree swamp,go 7 o'clock direction,ull find the lvl 9x mobs
lvl 90-95=same place like above..
lvl 95-100-same place like above,nera harbor
lvl 100-110-nera harbor,graveyard of the knight of nera
lvl 110-120=graveyards of the knights of nera
lvl 120-125-graveyards of the knights of nera

~Also do dd or solo DD its abble you to very fast lvling :)

Some Answer To Question :

1) Why Full Dex?
~ Becouse before you max Dual wield master your Stike, eva and critical is - so you will need up it by dex ^^ after max this skill you can restat to str.

2) How many gold i need to make this bulid?
~ Hmm i think its not very expensive path just like other bulids ^^

3) I will able to 1 hit players? 
~ Yes, of course 

4) Can i use other items than this waht you write this?
~ Sorry but i think no Its must have lots of strike and lots of eva...

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

[Fighter] SM(Sword Master) Guide

[Fighter] lvl 1-20
Max Fighter Heart
Max sword training and 2h training
Max both 2h skills (crash blow, and uppercut)

[Warrior] lvl 20-40
Max Fighter Heart
Max Warrior Form
Max 2h Training and Sword Training
Max Wheel Wind (for easier training)
Max Risk Taker

[Infantryman] lvl 40-75
Not many skills you need here, just use the following:
Max Enhanced HP
Max Blessing Guard
Max Troopership
From here on you should do dd's to level if your a lazy person, because it is very boring.

[Rune Knight] lvl 75-105
Max Aura
Max Burning Crash and Earthquake
Max Sword Storm
Max all Sword Trainings
Max RI

[Sword Master] 105+
When you become Sword Master it is a good idea to dual wield.... Well it works for me. Just Put everything on full str and hope you get lucky on philos. Some 30+ str philos would be extremely useful!! Also remember to reskill.
Max Sonic Boom and Dual Sonic Boom
Max RI
Max Warrior Form
Max Fighter Heart
Max Auras
Max Troopership and Risk Taker
Max all Sword trainings
Max Heavy Armor Expert
Max Bless Guard
Max Dual Wield Expertise, Training, and Accuracy ( i know its not possible until 132 )

It is Optional to:
Max Blunt Shield, it is useful in PVP
Max Sword storm
Max Barrier

What Path should I go??
The popular path, and the path I went was Fighter>Warrior>Infantryman>Rune Knight>Sword Master. You should go this path so you can get balanced P def and P atk. And the more p def you have the easier time you have grinding for levels.

What stats should I use to train?
I personally used Vit type, but its really up to you. If you go full str, I recommend great vit reinforce and great philo aswell.

What equips should I use?
Use Holy Knights set, 2pc hathor, 2pc flickering or level 100 earrings, Kynee, and Costume with BWL. I recommend using lizard for more p def, and using aias shield at grave.

Here is my Sword Master:

It is possible to have as much p atk as me if you obtain Chiv and T belt. You will also need some 40+ str philos.

Hope you guys enjoy. This my first time making a guide. 

source:Yukina from Celestia Luna forum

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Windows NoCeng

Pengaruh windows memang sangat kuat diseluruh dunia, ngga terkecuali di China yang terkenal dengan barang bajakannya, gile ampe-ampe windows diacak-acak disono. ga percaya nih liat, ga gueh edit kok gambarnya


Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

[Guide] Critical Mage Path

Hi Friends

Name is Kai,
I have been training mage from every single bit and followed every path from guides available in forums.
Sadly, most of the Guides contains huge material which anyone hardly notice during the gameplay. So i decided to create my own guide according to my experience of Mage.
I have tried to make this guide as short as possible to make it as easiest that even a new player will understand quickly ( idk if i succeeded xD)
I have skipped a lot of stuffs like Job passives which hardly noticable by player or it is not included in game.
So Let us begin with cardinal and followed to Rune Master~

Oh Yeah according to my experience, Mages here r nerfed...so my Path is purely based on critical rating, m.atk and p.def..so plz no arguments about m.def, hp, etc.

P.S. Skills with "<---" mark means that skill is the reason to choose that job instead of any other.

Update Note: (Chill Breeze(CB) Vs Angelic Breath(AB))

  • Lvl 15 CB is better then lvl 15 AB BUT lvl 20 AB is far more better then lvl 20 CB.
  • CB is perfect spammer letting foe only move on spam freeze BUT CB is fail spammer letting foe out of sleep if spammed making it able to attack.
  • CB leaves only one stat problem i.e. freeze BUT AB leaves 2 stat problem i.e. m.def reduction + sleep.
  • Casting CB you always know if foe freezed or not BUT AB leaves 2 stats which makes it very much difficult to know if sleep missed or not.
  • CB lvl 15 has 90% success rate BUT lvl 20 AB has only 85% success rate.

Some mistakes are corrected and Sleep is now included on every lvl 105 Job


Race: Human (Recomended not Compulsory Because only human can gain high critical rate in this path)

Main Path: Mage>Wizard>Sorcerer>Inquirer>Cardinal
Alt. Path: Mage>Wizard>Monk>Warlock>Cardinal <---(Crowd control path, better freeze then main but critic chances r pretty low)

Stats: Pure Int.

Gears with no lvl restriction:

Recomended: Batchelor Hat of Glory/m.atk 5% Hat(Perma/30D), Wizard Robe/any costume with HP/MP/Speed 15%, Shinigami pants (hp+500), Panda Boots or any vit +2 boots.
Alternate: Any Permanent mage costume (m.atk +2%)
Head: Int 3% wings/halo, Smart worm, Red Lizard.
Eye: Any permanent Glasses with int+5
Belt: Belt of Wisdom (Best) (critic rate 25%, int +8, casting speed -4%), Dragon Slayer Spell Master.
Flower: Jasmine.
Cloak: Cloak of hellenopolise with m.atk 3-5% philoed.

Mage~ (lvl1-20)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Skills: Active
1. Fireball (lvl 5)


1. Intelligence (lvl1)
2. Wisdom (lvl1)
3. Bless Heart (lvl1)

Training: Gate of alker/Ruins of Draconian

Any will do
Wand:Wand of Protection or any 2H Wand
Shield:Turtle Mail Shield
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose

#U just have to survive upto lvl 20 at this stage, so dont worry too much about items

Wizard~ (lvl20-40)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change:
Farouk at Alker harbour

Skills: Active

1. Fireball (lvl6) #u dont need this skill any after lvl 6 trust me
2. Envenom (lvl1) #DOT, lvl 1 More then enough to help upto lvl 40

1. Spell Craft (MAX)

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)

Training: lvl20-30 Zakandia, lvl 30-40 Moon Blind Forest

lvl 20 set from NPC
Wand:Saver Tiger Patella (lvl 18) from red leapord, Wand of Glory (lvl 27) from stone/iron golem, Arc Wand (lvl 33) from Orc Archers
Shield: use normal shields coz at this point all we need to do is to reach at lvl 40, no show off works here lol
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose, Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss (i forgot name o.o)

#Most ppl will ask why not to get spell barrier, i'll ans becoz lvl 10 spell barrier reduces spell resistivity by 33% but even though its neither 75% nor 100%. So basically 33% wont make big difference at this stage. If u want u can get wind spike lvl 1 but trust me folks its the weakest aoe i have ever seen in mage class.

Sorcerer~ (lvl 40-75) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change: Farouk at Alker Harbour

Skills: Active
1. Lightning Stun (MAX)
2. Blizzard (MAX)<---
3. Fire Blast (MAX)
4. Fireball (lvl 6)

1. Spell Craft (MAX)<---

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)
3. Wisdom (lvl 1)
4. Bless Heart (lvl 1)

Training: Best if u DD, else Way to howling ravine lvl 40-50, mont blanc port/howling ravine lvl 50-61, Dried Gazell Fall lvl 61-75.

Robe: lvl 40 robe set but if u want def then go with damned one robe set lvl 60.
Wand: Holyove (lvl 51) from basilisks,Glory of Diren (lvl 56) from LB1st, Crystal Orb (lvl 62) from LB3rd, WIzardly Wand (lvl 64) from red mimics, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Great General Shield (lvl 51) from LB1st and 2nd, Aeneas Tower Shield (lvl 62) from LB3rd, Skeleton Knight's Strong Shield (lvl 60) from Skeleton Boss.

Rings: Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss
Earrings: Spica's Prophecy (lvl 41) from LB3rd.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from Scuubs boss.

#Leaving fireball at lvl 6 will save a lot of sp and also we dont need that skill any more in future. Sorcerer is attack based class so healing might become a pain since we need to rly on HP/MP pots. Lightning stun is not spammable but its the only stun we will get untill cardinal...so i recomend to max it. PPl must be wondering why i left neckless? it is because i didnt find any neckless worth to use. so its better to use any neckless with HP reinforced since we will finally gonna replace it at higher lvl.

Inquirer~ (Human Only) (lvl 75-105)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change: Dubachanta at Red Orc Outpost.

Skills: Active
1. Holy Uppercut (MAX it if u r using Wand or leave it to lvl 0)
2. Holy Justice (MAX)
3. Chill Breeze (MAX if u get extra sp)
(u dont get blizzard, fireblast and lightning in this job. So let them stay at their maxed lvls and use them according to ur comfort)

1. Light Armour Expertiese (MAX)<---
2. Witchcraft (MAX it if u r using Wand)

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Twinkle Magic (MAX it ASAP. Critc buff)<---
3. Fortunate Magic (MAX it ASAP. Critic buff)<---
4. Wisdom (MAX)
5. Bless Vital (MAX)<---
6. Bless Mind (MAX or leave it. MP recovery buff)
7. Bless Heart (MAX or leave it. HP recovery buff)
8. Armour Link (MAX)<---
9. Concentration (MAX)
10. Tranquility (MAX it when u get extra sp. AOE sleep Debuff)
11. Cripple (MAX it when u get extra sp. AOE immobalize Debuff)
12. Wizardry (MAX from sorcerer lvl 4)

Training: DD for Best result at any lvl. Else Howling cave 2f at Ogre Guards lvl 75-82, Vally of fairy lvl 82-90, Ghost Tree Swamp lvl 90-100 or up to u, Neila Harbour lvl 100-105.

Robe: ok guys we dont need any robe from now on but if u can get Tarintus Robe Set then its Best otherwise use Depraved Monk's Leather Armour Set ( light armour) with int 15+ philoed and reinforced Armour vit +31-35, Glove int +21-25, Boot vit+21-25.

Wand: Power Of Lotus (lvl 83) from LB3rd, Athena's Mirthrill Hammer (lvl 82) from LB3rd, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Elephat's Mask of Evil (lvl 82) from Abyss Knight.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil (lvl 80) from Mantis, Fighter in The Wind, Huge Mummy.
Earrings: Gemini Earring + Castor's Earring (lvl 81) int 15+ philoed from LB3rd. but if u want hp then u can use Spica's Prophesy too.

Neckless: Tarintus Neckless from Tarintus , Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) from Kierra.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from skuubs boss, Tarintus Helmet From Tarintus.
Belt: Red Skin Belt from LB4th.

#Ok Guys This Inq guide is made is such a way that even if u max all the skills i have mentioned including optional...u will not suffer from less sp since they all comes in desired sp range from lvl 1-104. But if u want to save sp for experiments u can leave the optional skills. Oh There r some items which i forgot the lvl but i m sure in which lvl range they can be used. About chill Breeze...its a good skill for PvP tournament and alternate to Sleep since sleep is not allowed to use. Athena's Mirthrill Hammer is a hammer instead of wand but it can be used for those skills which r weapon independent.

#Some ppl might say i left some wands to mention like Kierra staff, Alberig's staff, etc but guys....i have only mentioned the best weapon to consider, if u want top use those wands also then let me know btw there r other guides available for weapons and have explained weapon far more better then me.

Cardinal~ (lvl 105-145)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We Need a Reskill after This Job Change and It is Must to get Because we will need a lot of sp to learn skills and a lot of skills we will not need any more.

Job Change: Cindamook(Sage) at Neila Village.

# this skill list is for lvl 120. At lower lvl u may feel sp loss so its much preferable to use mind for learning buffs.

Skills: Active
1. Turn Undead (MAX, main Nuke, requires purified aquamarine for casting after lvl 6)
2. Holy Taker (MAX, Best DOT from any Class)
3. Shield Of Justice (MAX, Stun + AOE Lightning, good damage, looks upgrade of lightning stun lol)
4. Blizzard (MAX or leave it at lvl 0, used to freeze player and monsters, no good damage)
5. Holy Justice (MAX, secondry nuke)

Sleep(any one)
1. Chill Breeze (if u have extra sp for lvl 15 skill only i.e. 120sp total)
2. Angelic Touch> Angelic Breath (If u have extra sp for lvl 20 skill i.e. 210sp total)
3. Tranquility (if u have only 18 sp free, super high cooldown, AOE)

1. Light Armour Expertiese (MAX if u r going to use light armour)
1. Robe Expertiese (MAX if u r going to use robe)
2. Spell Craft (MAX)
3. Witchcraft (MAX if u r using wand)

Buffs/Debuffs/Heal Spells
1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)
3. Twinkle Magic (MAX First)
4. Fortunate Magic (MAX first)
5. Orpheus Poem (MAX)
6. Shrewed Spell (MAX first)
7. Fast Heal (lvl 1 is more then enough)
8. Great Heal (lvl 1 is more then enough)
9. Beholder (lvl 7 or lvl 5)
10. Armour Link (MAX)
11. Bless Vital (MAX)
12. Wisdom (MAX)
13. Shield (MAX)
14. Mind Barrier (MAX)
15. Holy Barrier (MAX if u have extra sp)
16. Cripple (MAX when u get extra sp)
17. Bless WInd (lvl 5)
18. Bless Mind (lvl 5)
19. Bless Heart (lvl 5)
20. Concentration (MAX)

Training: Neila Harbour lvl 105-112 or i prefer Huge Garden (at Mantis) lvl 105-114, Graveyard lvl 114+.

Robe: Use 20+ int philoed Gardener Set and int/vit crafted Gardener Glove. but if u want high m.atk but low defence and use Faust set int 20+ philoed with shoe int crafted.

Wand: Medusa's Staff (lvl 104)int 20+ philoed from Mantis/Fighter in The Wind, Athena's Mirthrill Hammer (lvl 82) int 15+ philoed from LB3rd.

Shield: Aias's Shield (lvl 104) from Blue Beared Captain.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil int 10+ philoed, Hathor's Ring (lvl 105) int 20+ philoed from tombstone/mummy/fighter in the wind/Huge mummy.

Earrings: Gemini + Castor int 15+ philoed.
Necklace: Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) int 15+ philoed, Tarintus Necklace int 15+ philoed.
Helmet: Knyee (lvl 106) int 20+ philoed.
Belt: Belt of Wisdom/Dragon Slayer Spell Master/Red Skin Belt.

#U may feel difficulty in learning buffs in start but u can arrange their lvls according to ur benefits. i have placed buffs in sequence according to the preference of their learning and use. Some ppl might see that the turn undead is bugged after lvl 6 since its damage remains 818 in descrption no matter how u lvl it up...but ITS A BUGG!! the DAMAGE INCREASES but the description remains same.

If i missed anything or mistaking anything..feel free to post ^^ i'll correct it ASAP.


~Soul Arbiter~

Race: Human/Elf

Path: Mage>Wizard>Priest>Warlock>Soul Arbiter

Stats: Pure Int.

Gears with no lvl restriction:

Recomended: Batchelor Hat of Glory/m.atk 5% Hat(Perma/30D), Wizard Robe/any costume with HP/MP/Speed 15%, Shinigami pants (hp+500), Panda Boots or any vit +2 boots.
Alternate: Any Permanent mage costume (m.atk +2%)
Head: Int 3% wings/halo, Smart worm, Red Lizard.
Eye: Any permanent Glasses with int+5
Belt: Belt of Wisdom (Best) (critic rate 25%, int +8, casting speed -4%), Dragon Slayer Spell Master.
Flower: Jasmine.
Cloak: Cloak of hellenopolise with m.atk 3-5% philoed.

Mage~ (lvl1-20)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Skills: Active
1. Holy Strike (lvl 5)


1. Intelligence (lvl1)
2. Wisdom (lvl1)
3. Bless Heart (lvl1)

Training: Gate of alker/Ruins of Draconian

Any will do
Wand:Wand of Protection or any 2H Wand
Shield:Turtle Mail Shield
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose

#U just have to survive upto lvl 20 at this stage, so dont worry too much about items

Wizard~ (lvl20-40)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change:
Farouk at Alker harbour

Skills: Active

1. Holy Strike (lvl5)
2. Envenom (lvl1) #DOT, lvl 1 More then enough to help upto lvl 40

1. Spell Craft (MAX)

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)

Training: lvl20-30 Zakandia, lvl 30-40 Moon Blind Forest

lvl 20 set from NPC
Wand:Saver Tiger Patella (lvl 18) from red leapord, Wand of Glory (lvl 27) from stone/iron golem, Arc Wand (lvl 33) from Orc Archers
Shield: use normal shields coz at this point all we need to do is to reach at lvl 40, no show off works here lol
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose, Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss (i forgot name o.o)

#Most ppl will ask why not to get spell barrier, i'll ans becoz lvl 10 spell barrier reduces spell resistivity by 33% but even though its neither 75% nor 100%. So basically 33% wont make big difference at this stage. If u want u can get wind spike lvl 1 but trust me folks its the weakest aoe i have ever seen in mage class.

Priest~ (lvl 40-75)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#This is hard part since there is no aoe to use till 75

Job Chnage: Farouk at Alker Harbour.

Skills: Active
1. Holy Strike>Divine Sword(MAX, only nuke u got)
2. WInd Spike (Optional if u feel pain without aoe)

1. Spell Craft(Already maxed from WIzard)
2. Robe Expertiese (Optional if u like defence)

Buffs/Heal Spells
1. Intelligence (Maxed)
2. Wizardry (Maxed)
3. Wisdom (MAX)
4. Fast Heal (lvl 1) <---
5. Great Heal (lvl 1) <---
6. Group Heal (lvl 6, if u want to train in parties most)
7. Shield (MAX)
8. Mind Barrier (MAX)
9. Shrewd Spell (MAX) <---
10. Bless Wind (MAX)
11. Bless Mind (MAX)
12. Bless Heart (MAX)
13. Holy Barrier (MAX)
14. Beholder (lvl 1 or 3 according to player) <---

Training: Best if u DD, else Way to howling ravine lvl 40-50, mont blanc port/howling ravine lvl 50-61, Dried Gazell Fall lvl 61-75.

Robe: lvl 40 robe set but if u want def then go with damned one robe set lvl 60.
Wand: Holyove (lvl 51) from basilisks,Glory of Diren (lvl 56) from LB1st, Crystal Orb (lvl 62) from LB3rd, WIzardly Wand (lvl 64) from red mimics, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Great General Shield (lvl 51) from LB1st and 2nd, Aeneas Tower Shield (lvl 62) from LB3rd, Skeleton Knight's Strong Shield (lvl 60) from Skeleton Boss.

Rings: Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss
Earrings: Spica's Prophecy (lvl 41) from LB3rd.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from Scuubs boss.

#I know guys training from 40-75 is going to be a serious pain from my guide @.@ but no pain no gain :) ( Try training from lvl 1-105 without learning any skill HAA!) 

Warlock~ (lvl 75-105)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#Its time to be AOE master~
Job Change: Farouk at Alker Harbour.

Skills: Active
1. Divine Sword (Maxed from priest, secondary Nuke)
2. Lightning Stun (MAX, Primary Nuke)
3. Blizzard (lvl 19) <---
4. Fire Blast (MAX)
5. Meteor (MAX)

1. Spell Craft (MAX, increases m.atk) <---
2. Staff Training (MAX, increases m.atk while wearing staff) <---
3. Boost SPell (MAX, increases m.atk for 30 sec, cooldown is 38 sec) <---

Buffs/Debuffs (Excluding maxed buffs from priest)
1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)
3. Curse Weakness (Optional but max it if u want to deal high damage in PvP)

Robe: Corrupted Magician Robe set with int 15+ philoed and reinforced Armour vit +31-35, Glove int +21-25, Boot vit+21-25.

Wand: Power Of Lotus (lvl 83) from LB3rd, Athena's Mirthrill Hammer (lvl 82) from LB3rd, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Elephat's Mask of Evil (lvl 82) from Abyss Knight.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil (lvl 80) from Mantis, Fighter in The Wind, Huge Mummy.
Earrings: Gemini Earring + Castor's Earring (lvl 81) int 15+ philoed from LB3rd. but if u want hp then u can use Spica's Prophesy too.

Neckless: Tarintus Neckless from Tarintus , Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) from Kierra.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from skuubs boss, Tarintus Helmet From Tarintus.
Belt: Red Skin Belt from LB4th.

#Ok Guys first of all we dont have any critical buff so far. U may be wondering why i didnt go Monk? well coz SA is next tier of Monk>Inquirer>SA(Soul Arbiter). U may not feel strong at this point becoz without critical buff we r pretty weak in CL (Mage damage is nerfer pfffffft) but if u remain patient and wait till u r lvl 105 and change Job..u may feel a terrible Power from no where and tada~ u r pwning everyone who pwned u before Job Change to SA.

Soul Arbiter~ (lvl 105-145)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We Need a Reskill after This Job Change and It is Must to get Because we will need a lot of sp to learn skills and a lot of skills we will not need any more.

Job Chagne: Cindamook(Sage) at Neila Village.

Skills: Active
1. Holy Justice (MAX, Primary nuke)
2. Holy Earthquake (MAX, Very Strong AOE, Stun, Target Independent)
3. Blizzard (lvl 19, 95% chance to freeze)
4. Soul Spear (Secondry nuke, Spamable)/Mana Burn (Secondry Nuke, Kills MP of Target)

1. Tranquility (You need only 60sp total to MAX it for 30 sec AOE sleep, not spammable)

1.Sell Craft (MAX)
2. Staff Training (MAX, or leave it to lvl up after lvl 110)
3. Boost Spell (MAX)
4. Witch Craft (MAX)
5. Light Armour Expertiese ( lvl 10-15 is enough at the moment)

1. Twinkle Magic (MAX First)
2. Fortunate Magic (MAX first)
3. Intelligence (MAX)
4. Wizardry (MAX)
3. Fast Heal ( lvl 1)
4. Great Heal ( lvl 1)
5. Armour Link (MAX)
6. Bless Vital (MAX)
7. Shrewd Spell (lvl 1, Thats all we have lol)
8. Shield (MAX)
This is Enough to start training from lvl 106. Once u reach lvl 110+ learn new buffs like

9. Mind Barrier (MAX)
10. Bless Wind (MAX)
11. Bless MInd (MAX)
12. Holy Barrier (MAX)
13. Concentration (MAX)
14. Beholder ( lvl 1-3 )
Training: Neila Harbour lvl 105-112 or i prefer Huge Garden (at Mantis) lvl 105-114, Graveyard lvl 114+.

Robe: Use 20+ int philoed Gardener Set and int/vit crafted Gardener Glove. but if u want high m.atk but low defence and use Faust set int 20+ philoed with shoe int crafted. I Strongly Recomend Depraved monk set or G.Set for balanced m.atk and p.def

Wand: Medusa's Staff (lvl 104)int 20+ philoed from Mantis/Fighter in The Wind.

Shield: Aias's Shield (lvl 104) from Blue Beared Captain.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil int 10+ philoed, Hathor's Ring (lvl 105) int 20+ philoed from tombstone/mummy/fighter in the wind/Huge mummy.

Earrings: Gemini + Castor int 15+ philoed.
Necklace: Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) int 15+ philoed, Tarintus Necklace int 15+ philoed.
Helmet: Knyee (lvl 106) int 20+ philoed.
Belt: Belt of Wisdom/Dragon Slayer Spell Master/Red Skin Belt.

#OK Folks..Here You are...in a Job with Most chance of critical hits as compared to any other mage class and only Job that have highest chance of having high hp among all other classes. From each lvl up u'll gain increase is HP. And with its Target Free stun skill Holy Earthquake..Stealth is not much a problem since it doesnt contain high lvl beholder


~Grand Master~

Race: Human (Recomended not Compulsory Because only Human can Gain Critical Rate in This path)

Path: Mage>Wizard>Priest>Inquirer>Grand Master <-- Human Only Path
Mage>Wizard>Sorcerer>Bishop>Grand Master <--Elf Path
Since my guide is focused on critical rate, I will only demonstrate Human Path.

Stats: Pure Int.

Gears with no lvl restriction:

Recomended: Batchelor Hat of Glory/m.atk 5% Hat(Perma/30D), Wizard Robe/any costume with HP/MP/Speed 15%, Shinigami pants (hp+500), Panda Boots or any vit +2 boots.
Alternate: Any Permanent mage costume (m.atk +2%)
Head: Int 3% wings/halo, Smart worm, Red Lizard.
Eye: Any permanent Glasses with int+5
Belt: Belt of Wisdom (Best) (critic rate 25%, int +8, casting speed -4%), Dragon Slayer Spell Master.
Flower: Jasmine.
Cloak: Cloak of hellenopolise with m.atk 3-5% philoed.

Mage~ (lvl1-20)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Skills: Active
1. Holy Strike (lvl 5)


1. Intelligence (lvl1)
2. Wisdom (lvl1)
3. Bless Heart (lvl1)

Training: Gate of alker/Ruins of Draconian

Any will do
Wand:Wand of Protection or any 2H Wand
Shield:Turtle Mail Shield
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose

#U just have to survive upto lvl 20 at this stage, so dont worry too much about items

Wizard~ (lvl20-40)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change:
Farouk at Alker harbour

Skills: Active

1. Holy Strike (lvl5)
2. Envenom (lvl1) #DOT, lvl 1 More then enough to help upto lvl 40

1. Spell Craft (MAX)

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)

Training: lvl20-30 Zakandia, lvl 30-40 Moon Blind Forest

lvl 20 set from NPC
Wand:Saver Tiger Patella (lvl 18) from red leapord, Wand of Glory (lvl 27) from stone/iron golem, Arc Wand (lvl 33) from Orc Archers
Shield: use normal shields coz at this point all we need to do is to reach at lvl 40, no show off works here lol
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose, Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss (i forgot name o.o)

#Most ppl will ask why not to get spell barrier, i'll ans becoz lvl 10 spell barrier reduces spell resistivity by 33% but even though its neither 75% nor 100%. So basically 33% wont make big difference at this stage. If u want u can get wind spike lvl 1 but trust me folks its the weakest aoe i have ever seen in mage class.

Priest~ (lvl 40-75)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#This is hard part since there is no aoe to use till 105

Job Chnage: Farouk at Alker Harbour.

Skills: Active
1. Holy Strike>Divine Sword(MAX, only nuke u got)
2. WInd Spike (Optional if u feel pain without aoe)

1. Spell Craft(Already maxed from WIzard)
2. Robe Expertiese (Optional if u like defence)

Buffs/Heal Spells
1. Intelligence (Maxed)
2. Wizardry (Maxed)
3. Wisdom (MAX)
4. Fast Heal (lvl 1) <---
5. Great Heal (lvl 1) <---
6. Group Heal (lvl 6, if u want to train in parties most)
7. Shield (MAX)
8. Mind Barrier (MAX)
9. Shrewd Spell (MAX) <---
10. Bless Wind (MAX)
11. Bless Mind (MAX)
12. Bless Heart (MAX)
13. Holy Barrier (MAX)
14. Beholder (lvl 1 or 3 according to player) <---

Training: Best if u DD, else Way to howling ravine lvl 40-50, mont blanc port/howling ravine lvl 50-61, Dried Gazell Fall lvl 61-75.

Robe: lvl 40 robe set but if u want def then go with damned one robe set lvl 60.
Wand: Holyove (lvl 51) from basilisks,Glory of Diren (lvl 56) from LB1st, Crystal Orb (lvl 62) from LB3rd, WIzardly Wand (lvl 64) from red mimics, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Great General Shield (lvl 51) from LB1st and 2nd, Aeneas Tower Shield (lvl 62) from LB3rd, Skeleton Knight's Strong Shield (lvl 60) from Skeleton Boss.

Rings: Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss
Earrings: Spica's Prophecy (lvl 41) from LB3rd.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from Scuubs boss.

#I know guys training from 40-75 is going to be a serious pain from my guide @.@ but no pain no gain :) ( Try training from lvl 1-105 without learning any skill HAA!) 

Inquirer~ (Human Only) (lvl 75-105)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change: Dubachanta at Red Orc Outpost.

Skills: Active
1. Holy Uppercut (MAX it if u r using Wand or leave it to lvl 0)
2. Holy Justice (MAX)
3. Holy Swing (Optional)
4. Divine Sword (Maxed)

1. Light Armour Expertiese (MAX)<---
2. Witchcraft (MAX it if u r using Wand)

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Twinkle Magic (MAX it ASAP. Critc buff)<---
3. Fortunate Magic (MAX it ASAP. Critic buff)<---
4. Wisdom (MAX)
5. Bless Vital (MAX)<---
6. Bless Mind (MAX or leave it. MP recovery buff)
7. Bless Heart (MAX or leave it. HP recovery buff)
8. Armour Link (MAX)<---
9. Concentration (MAX)
10. Tranquility (MAX it when u get extra sp. AOE sleep Debuff)
11. Cripple (MAX it when u get extra sp. AOE immobalize Debuff)
12. Wizardry (Maxed)
(and Those Priest Buffs not going to type all again pffffft)

Training: DD for Best result at any lvl. Else Howling cave 2f at Ogre Guards lvl 75-82, Vally of fairy lvl 82-90, Ghost Tree Swamp lvl 90-100 or up to u, Neila Harbour lvl 100-105.

Robe: ok guys we dont need any robe from now on but if u can get Tarintus Robe Set then its Best otherwise use Depraved Monk's Leather Armour Set ( light armour) with int 15+ philoed and reinforced Armour vit +31-35, Glove int +21-25, Boot vit+21-25.

Wand: Power Of Lotus (lvl 83) from LB3rd, Athena's Mirthrill Hammer (lvl 82) from LB3rd, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Elephat's Mask of Evil (lvl 82) from Abyss Knight.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil (lvl 80) from Mantis, Fighter in The Wind, Huge Mummy.
Earrings: Gemini Earring + Castor's Earring (lvl 81) int 15+ philoed from LB3rd. but if u want hp then u can use Spica's Prophesy too.

Neckless: Tarintus Neckless from Tarintus , Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) from Kierra.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from skuubs boss, Tarintus Helmet From Tarintus.
Belt: Red Skin Belt from LB4th.

# not much difference from cardinal path's inquirer but its only here for the critical buffs and defense buffs

Grand Master~ (lvl 105-145)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We Need a Reskill after This Job Change and It is Must to get Because we will need a lot of sp to learn skills and a lot of skills we will not need any more.

Job Change: Cindamook(Sage) at Neila Village.

Skills: Active
1. Lightning Stun (MAX, Primary nuke, awsome stunner)
2. Blizzard (MAX, Freezes Opponent longer enough to cast other skill)
3. Tornado Uppercut (Good Aoe, Stops Target 100%, Extremely Slow Casting, Cast after blizzard freze)
4. Greater Thunder (Strong Damage, Show Off AOE, bad stunner, Extremely Slow Casting, Cast after Blizzard Freze)
5. Chilling Death (Secondry Nuke, Aoe, Comparable decent casting speed but still slow)

Sleep(any one)
1. Chill Breeze (if u have extra sp for lvl 15 skill only i.e. 120sp total)
2. Angelic Touch> Angelic Breath (If u have extra sp for lvl 20 skill i.e. 210sp total)
3. Tranquility (if u have only 18 sp free, super high cooldown, AOE)

1. Light Armour Expertiese/Robe Expertiese (lvl 15)
2. Spell Craft (MAX)
3. Witchcraft (MAX if using wand)
4. Staff Training (Dont max right now, leave it at lvl 10)

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)
3. Twinkle Magic (MAX)
4. Fortunate Magic (MAX)
5. Wisdom (MAX)
6. Shield (MAX)
7. Armour Link (MAX)
8. Shrewd Spell (lvl 1, thats all we got lol)
9. Bless Vital (MAX)
10. Fast Heal (lvl 1)
11. Great Heal (lvl 1)
You can max remaining buffs after u r a little high in lvl.

Training: Neila Harbour lvl 105-112 or i prefer Huge Garden (at Mantis) lvl 105-114, Graveyard lvl 114+.

Robe: Use 20+ int philoed Gardener Set and int/vit crafted Gardener Glove. but if u want high m.atk but low defence and use Faust set int 20+ philoed with shoe int crafted.

Wand: Medusa's Staff (lvl 104)int 20+ philoed from Mantis/Fighter in The Wind, Athena's Mirthrill Hammer (lvl 82) int 15+ philoed from LB3rd.

Shield: Aias's Shield (lvl 104) from Blue Beared Captain.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil int 10+ philoed, Hathor's Ring (lvl 105) int 20+ philoed from tombstone/mummy/fighter in the wind/Huge mummy.

Earrings: Gemini + Castor int 15+ philoed.
Necklace: Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) int 15+ philoed, Tarintus Necklace int 15+ philoed.
Helmet: Knyee (lvl 106) int 20+ philoed.
Belt: Belt of Wisdom/Dragon Slayer Spell Master/Red Skin Belt

# You will notice that this class have the lowest hp among all other class..well so true GM is not hp based. And Training may be a pain due to slow casting spells. This Class is only made for the Patient Players. Impatient players like me completely sucks at this class xD.


~Necromancer~(Human Only)

Race: Human 


Stats: Pure Int.

Gears with no lvl restriction:

Recomended: Batchelor Hat of Glory/m.atk 5% Hat(Perma/30D), Wizard Robe/any costume with HP/MP/Speed 15%, Shinigami pants (hp+500), Panda Boots or any vit +2 boots.
Alternate: Any Permanent mage costume (m.atk +2%)
Head: Int 3% wings/halo, Smart worm, Red Lizard.
Eye: Any permanent Glasses with int+5
Belt: Belt of Wisdom (Best) (critic rate 25%, int +8, casting speed -4%), Dragon Slayer Spell Master.
Flower: Jasmine.
Cloak: Cloak of hellenopolise with m.atk 3-5% philoed.

Mage~ (lvl1-20)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Skills: Active
1. Holy Strike (lvl 5)


1. Intelligence (lvl1)
2. Wisdom (lvl1)
3. Bless Heart (lvl1)

Training: Gate of alker/Ruins of Draconian

Any will do
Wand:Wand of Protection or any 2H Wand
Shield:Turtle Mail Shield
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose

#U just have to survive upto lvl 20 at this stage, so dont worry too much about items

Wizard~ (lvl20-40)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change:
Farouk at Alker harbour

Skills: Active

1. Holy Strike (lvl5)
2. Envenom (lvl1) #DOT, lvl 1 More then enough to help upto lvl 40

1. Spell Craft (MAX)

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)

Training: lvl20-30 Zakandia, lvl 30-40 Moon Blind Forest

lvl 20 set from NPC
Wand:Saver Tiger Patella (lvl 18) from red leapord, Wand of Glory (lvl 27) from stone/iron golem, Arc Wand (lvl 33) from Orc Archers
Shield: use normal shields coz at this point all we need to do is to reach at lvl 40, no show off works here lol
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose, Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss (i forgot name o.o)

#Most ppl will ask why not to get spell barrier, i'll ans becoz lvl 10 spell barrier reduces spell resistivity by 33% but even though its neither 75% nor 100%. So basically 33% wont make big difference at this stage. If u want u can get wind spike lvl 1 but trust me folks its the weakest aoe i have ever seen in mage class.

Monk~ (lvl 40-75)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change: Cindamook(Sage) at Neila Village.

Skills: Active
1. Holy Swing (MAX)
2. Holy Uppercut (MAX)
3. Holy Spike (Optional)

1. Light Armour Expertiese (MAX or Leave it. we dont nee it at this moment)
2. Spell Craft (MAX)

1. Twinkle Magic (MAX)
2. Fortunate Magic (MAX) <---
3. Intelligence (MAX)
4. Wizardry (MAX)
5. Armour Link (MAX) <---
6. Bless Vital (MAX) <---
7. Bless Mind (Optional)
8. Bless Heart (Optional)

Training: Best if u DD, else Way to howling ravine lvl 40-50, mont blanc port/howling ravine lvl 50-61, Dried Gazell Fall lvl 61-75.

Robe: lvl 40 robe set but if u want def then go with damned one robe set lvl 60.
Wand: Holyove (lvl 51) from basilisks,Glory of Diren (lvl 56) from LB1st, Crystal Orb (lvl 62) from LB3rd, WIzardly Wand (lvl 64) from red mimics, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Great General Shield (lvl 51) from LB1st and 2nd, Aeneas Tower Shield (lvl 62) from LB3rd, Skeleton Knight's Strong Shield (lvl 60) from Skeleton Boss.

Rings: Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss
Earrings: Spica's Prophecy (lvl 41) from LB3rd.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from Scuubs boss.

# This will be faster training since spam skills and critic buffs. But no aoe is still a pain at this moment.

Bishop~ (lvl 75-105)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# Warning: Training in painful.
Job Change: Priestess Luna at Alker Harbour.

Skills: Active
1. Divine Sword (MAX)
2. Holy Uppercut (Maxed)
3. Holy Swing (maxed)

1. Light Armour Expertiese (MAX)
2. Spell Craft (Maxed)

Buffs/Debuffs <---
1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)
3. Wisdom (MAX)
4. Shield (MAX)
5. Shrewd Spell (MAX, Biggest reason to choose bishop)
6. Holy Barrier (MAX)
7. Intensive Mana (MAX)
8. Orpheus Poem (MAX)
9. Bless Vital (MAX)
10. Armour Link (MAX)
11. Beholder (lvl 5-7)
12. Fast Heal (lvl 1)
13. Great Heal (lvl 1)
14. Group Heal (lvl 6 if u wanna train as support too)

Training: DD for Best result at any lvl. Else Howling cave 2f at Ogre Guards lvl 75-82, Vally of fairy lvl 82-90, Ghost Tree Swamp lvl 90-100 or up to u, Neila Harbour lvl 100-105.

Robe: ok guys no robe restriction from here but if u can get Tarintus Robe Set then its Best otherwise use Depraved Monk's Leather Armour Set ( light armour) with int 15+ philoed and reinforced Armour vit +31-35, Glove int +21-25, Boot vit+21-25.

Wand: Power Of Lotus (lvl 83) from LB3rd, Athena's Mirthrill Hammer (lvl 82) from LB3rd, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Elephat's Mask of Evil (lvl 82) from Abyss Knight.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil (lvl 80) from Mantis, Fighter in The Wind, Huge Mummy.
Earrings: Gemini Earring + Castor's Earring (lvl 81) int 15+ philoed from LB3rd. but if u want hp then u can use Spica's Prophesy too.

Neckless: Tarintus Neckless from Tarintus , Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) from Kierra.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from skuubs boss, Tarintus Helmet From Tarintus.
Belt: Red Skin Belt from LB4th.

Necromancer~ (lvl 105-145) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We Need a Reskill after This Job Change and It is Must to get Because we will need a lot of sp to learn skills and a lot of skills we will not need any more.

Job Change: Cindamook(Sage) at Neila Village

Skills: Active
1. The Spear (MAX, primary nuke)
2. Soul Squeeze (Optional, Secondry nuke)
3. Blizzard (MAX, Great Freze aoe)
4. Vital Explosion (MAX, Strong Aoe, requires purified Ruby per cast)
5. Fire Blast (MAX, Strong Aoe after lvl 16)
6. Corpse Explosion (MAX, Yes its working)

1. Angelic Touch> Angelic Breath (If u have extra sp for lvl 20 skill i.e. 210sp total)

1. Light Armour Expertiese (lvl 10-15)
2. Spell Craft (MAX)

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)
3. Twinkle Magic (MAX)
4. Fortunate Magic (MAX)
5. Armour Link (MAX)
6. Orpheus Poem (MAX)
7. Intensive Mana (MAX)
8. Shield (MAX)
9. Bless Vitaal (MAX)
10. Shrewd Spell (MAX)
11. Wisdom (MAX)
12. Bless Wind (lvl 5)
13. Bless Mind (lvl 5)
14. Fast Heal (lvl 1)
15. Great Heal (lvl 1)
16. Holy Barrier (MAX)
17. Beholder (lvl 7)
18. Curse Weakness (MAX)

Robe: Use 20+ int philoed Gardener Set and int/vit crafted Gardener Glove. but if u want high m.atk but low defence and use Faust set int 20+ philoed with shoe int crafted. I Strongly Recomend Depraved monk set or G.Set for balanced m.atk and p.def

Wand: Medusa's Staff (lvl 104)int 20+ philoed from Mantis/Fighter in The Wind, Athena's Mirthrill Hammer (lvl 82) int 15+ philoed from LB3rd.

Shield: Aias's Shield (lvl 104) from Blue Beared Captain.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil int 10+ philoed, Hathor's Ring (lvl 105) int 20+ philoed from tombstone/mummy/fighter in the wind/Huge mummy.

Earrings: Gemini + Castor int 15+ philoed.
Necklace: Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) int 15+ philoed, Tarintus Necklace int 15+ philoed.
Helmet: Knyee (lvl 106) int 20+ philoed.
Belt: Belt of Wisdom/Dragon Slayer Spell Master/Red Skin Belt.

# Hey Folks...If u r noticing that i forgot to put a Stunner...then u r RIGHT!! There aint any stunner in necromancer class...so be careful in PvP specially with stun lockers like Grand Master.


~Rune Master~(Elf Only)

# Here we go Folks...This class contains no Critic path. This is fully supportive and not following the base of my guide i.e. critic, m.atk. But i cant help it so here is my Guide.

Race: Elf

Path: Mage>Wizard>Sorcerer>Bishop>Rune Master

Stats: Pure Int.

Gears with no lvl restriction:

Recomended: Batchelor Hat of Glory/m.atk 5% Hat(Perma/30D), Wizard Robe/any costume with HP/MP/Speed 15%, Shinigami pants (hp+500), Panda Boots or any vit +2 boots.
Alternate: Any Permanent mage costume (m.atk +2%)
Head: Int 3% wings/halo, Smart worm, Red Lizard.
Eye: Any permanent Glasses with int+5
Belt: Belt of Wisdom (Best) (critic rate 25%, int +8, casting speed -4%), Dragon Slayer Spell Master.
Flower: Jasmine.
Cloak: Cloak of hellenopolise with m.atk 3-5% philoed.

Mage~ (lvl1-20)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Skills: Active
1. Holy Strike (lvl 5)


1. Intelligence (lvl1)
2. Wisdom (lvl1)
3. Bless Heart (lvl1)

Training: Gate of alker/Ruins of Draconian

Any will do
Wand:Wand of Protection or any 2H Wand
Shield:Turtle Mail Shield
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose

#U just have to survive upto lvl 20 at this stage, so dont worry too much about items

Wizard~ (lvl20-40)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change:
Farouk at Alker harbour

Skills: Active

1. Holy Strike (lvl5)
2. Envenom (lvl1) #DOT, lvl 1 More then enough to help upto lvl 40

1. Spell Craft (MAX)

1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)

Training: lvl20-30 Zakandia, lvl 30-40 Moon Blind Forest

lvl 20 set from NPC
Wand:Saver Tiger Patella (lvl 18) from red leapord, Wand of Glory (lvl 27) from stone/iron golem, Arc Wand (lvl 33) from Orc Archers
Shield: use normal shields coz at this point all we need to do is to reach at lvl 40, no show off works here lol
Rings: Family ring (lvl 6) from Rose, Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss (i forgot name o.o)

#Most ppl will ask why not to get spell barrier, i'll ans becoz lvl 10 spell barrier reduces spell resistivity by 33% but even though its neither 75% nor 100%. So basically 33% wont make big difference at this stage. If u want u can get wind spike lvl 1 but trust me folks its the weakest aoe i have ever seen in mage class.

Sorcerer~ (lvl 40-75) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Job Change: Farouk at Alker Harbour

Skills: Active
1. Lightning Stun (MAX or leave it to lvl 1)
2. Blizzard (MAX)
3. Fire Blast (lvl 1)
4. Holy Strike (lvl 5)

1. Spell Craft (MAX)<---

1. Intelligence (MAX) <--
2. Wizardry (MAX) <--
3. Wisdom (lvl 1)
4. Bless Heart (lvl 1)

Training: Best if u DD, else Way to howling ravine lvl 40-50, mont blanc port/howling ravine lvl 50-61, Dried Gazell Fall lvl 61-75.

Robe: lvl 40 robe set but if u want def then go with damned one robe set lvl 60.
Wand: Holyove (lvl 51) from basilisks,Glory of Diren (lvl 56) from LB1st, Crystal Orb (lvl 62) from LB3rd, WIzardly Wand (lvl 64) from red mimics, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Great General Shield (lvl 51) from LB1st and 2nd, Aeneas Tower Shield (lvl 62) from LB3rd, Skeleton Knight's Strong Shield (lvl 60) from Skeleton Boss.

Rings: Ring of Burning Flames (lvl 38) from lava golem boss
Earrings: Spica's Prophecy (lvl 41) from LB3rd.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from Scuubs boss.

# Training is a Hell if u only follow the attack path. P.S. This is not for offensive mages..its only for supportive mages

Bishop~ (lvl 75-105)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# Warning: Training in painful.
Job Change: Priestess Luna at Alker Harbour.

Skills: Active
1. Holy Strike>Divine Sword (MAX)
2. Divine Judgement>Divine Curse (MAX)

1. Spell Craft (Maxed)

Buffs/Debuffs <---
1. Intelligence (MAX)
2. Wizardry (MAX)
3. Wisdom (MAX)
4. Shield (MAX)
5. Shrewd Spell (MAX, Biggest reason to choose bishop)
6. Holy Barrier (MAX)
7. Intensive Mana (MAX)
8. Orpheus Poem (MAX)
9. Beholder (lvl 5-7)
10. Fast Heal (lvl 1)
11. Great Heal (lvl 1)
12. Group Heal (lvl 6 if u wanna train as support too)
Yes its true that Rune Master Dont get Buffs as much lvl as Bishop gets.

Training: DD for Best result at any lvl. Else Howling cave 2f at Ogre Guards lvl 75-82, Vally of fairy lvl 82-90, Ghost Tree Swamp lvl 90-100 or up to u, Neila Harbour lvl 100-105.

Robe: Tarintus Robe set, Corrupted Magician Robe Set with int 15+ philoed and reinforced Armour vit +31-35, Glove int +21-25, Boot vit+21-25.

Wand: Power Of Lotus (lvl 83) from LB3rd, Athena's Mirthrill Hammer (lvl 82) from LB3rd, Zukini's Death Wand (lvl 69) from LB1st.

Shield: Elephat's Mask of Evil (lvl 82) from Abyss Knight.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil (lvl 80) from Mantis, Fighter in The Wind, Huge Mummy.
Earrings: Gemini Earring + Castor's Earring (lvl 81) int 15+ philoed from LB3rd. but if u want hp then u can use Spica's Prophesy too.

Neckless: Tarintus Neckless from Tarintus , Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) from Kierra.
Helmet: Yoma's Circulet (lvl 60) from skuubs boss, Tarintus Helmet From Tarintus.
Belt: Red Skin Belt from LB4th.

# If u have nvr played a supportive job...This is ur Nightmare :)

Rune Master~(lvl 105-145)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We May or May not need Reskill but there is no harm using one.

Job Change: Cindamook(Sage) at Neila Village.

Skills: Active
1. Silence Rune (MAX, Best skill against mage, Prevents then using spell for 30-58 sec according to lvl )
2. Divine Judgement>Divine Curse (MAX, Main Nuke as DOT)
3. Holy Strike>Divine Sword (Optional, if u r getting high lvl heal, leave this skill)

Sleep(any one and optional)
1. Chill Breeze (if u have extra sp for lvl 15 skill only i.e. 120sp total)
2. Angelic Touch> Angelic Breath (If u have extra sp for lvl 20 skill i.e. 210sp total)

1. Spell Craft (Optional)

1. Intelligence (Optional)
2. Wizardry (Optional)
3. Fast Heal (MAX if u r not learning divine sword, or leave it to lvl 1, Fastest Heal)
4. Great Heal (lvl 16 if u r not learning divine sword, or leave it to lvl 1, Heaviest Heal)
5. Group Heal (lvl 6)
6. Wisdom (MAX)
7. Shield (MAX)
8. Mind Barrier (MAX)
9. Shrewed Spell (MAX)
10. Kiss of The Death (MAX)
11. Pinpoint (MAX)
12. Clout (MAX)
13. Acuteness (MAX)
14. Might (MAX)
15. Bless Wind (lvl 5)
16. Bless Mind (lvl 5)
17. Bless Heart (MAX)
18. Orpheus's Poem (MAX)
19. Intensive Mana (MAX)
20. Mana Blast (MAX)
21. Sacrifice (MAX)
22. Holy Barrier (MAX)
23. Return to Bind (lvl 1, Best in PvP on a map with save point, Warps u out of PvP box)

# Enjoy the training of full support :)

Training: Neila Harbour lvl 105-112 or i prefer Huge Garden (at Mantis) lvl 105-114, Graveyard lvl 114+.

Robe: Use Tarintus set or Faust set int 20+ philoed with shoe int crafted.

Wand: Medusa's Staff (lvl 104)int 20+ philoed from Mantis/Fighter in The Wind, Athena's Mirthrill Hammer (lvl 82) int 15+ philoed from LB3rd.

Shield: Aias's Shield (lvl 104) from Blue Beared Captain.
Rings: Legend: Heart Stone of Evil int 10+ philoed, Hathor's Ring (lvl 105) int 20+ philoed from tombstone/mummy/fighter in the wind/Huge mummy.

Earrings: Gemini + Castor int 15+ philoed.
Necklace: Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball (lvl 78) int 15+ philoed, Tarintus Necklace int 15+ philoed.
Helmet: Knyee (lvl 106) int 20+ philoed.
Belt: Belt of Wisdom/Dragon Slayer Spell Master/Red Skin Belt

# Seriously though..This is the best supportive class i have seen.. Its Buffs r Hillerious..and again this is not for those players who like to train alone..u HAVE to find a party to train.