Elf or Human?
for me, I'd prefer take human bcause they can go to Monk(for my build) and Inquirer
What path should I take?
1, Human, Wizard->Monk->Bishop->Grand Master
2, Human, Wizard->Priest->Inquirer->Grand Master
3, Elf, Cleric->Sorcerer->Bishop->Grand Master
there are pro and cons for each path,
1st path:
~ Pros, U get faster cast speed from Bishop (Lvl 3 Shrewd Spell - 40% cast speed), higher lvl Bishop's buff, Bishop'sOrpheu's Poem (+20 int, more damage and m.crit rate), and higher lvl of healing skills
~ Cons, Lower m.crit rate, no aoe sleep or bind skills, less HP pool, no Concentration buff
2nd path:
~ Pros, U get nice crit rate from Inquirer (lvl 5 twinkle magic, 20,1% m.crit rate, lvl 3 Fortunate Magic - 16,3% m.crit rate), got witchcraft (13 m.atk), got tranquility and cripple (aoe sleep and bind skills), more HP pool (lvl 6 Bless Vital - 20% HP, lvl 20 Enchanced HP - 1000 HP), got Concentration Buff (12% matk, -15% pdef for 3 mnts)
~ Cons, lower cast speed, lower lvl of supportive buffs, lower lvl of healing skills
3rd path:
~ Pros, u can proceed faster with more aoe from Sorcerer, and got like 1st path pros, higher m.def (lvl 3 nature's mind - 8% m.def), cooler/cuter appearance

~ Cons, 1st path cons.
Status Build, go for int! you are a mage!!!
-- if you have problem at surviving cause of low HP, put a little vit to your status or philo --
Mage: u can proceed with a lvl 1 wind strike till lvl 20

Max Wind Spike
Max Intelligence
Max Wizardry
Max Spell Craft
Max Spell Barrier
Max Bloodstream
-- Wind spike is your only aoe till you reached 105 (No pain no gain C:<) --
Max Wind Spike
Max Intelligence
Max Wizardry
Max Spell Craft
Max Spell Barrier
Max Bloodstream
-- Wind spike is your only aoe till you reached 105 (No pain no gain C:<) --
Max Holy Spike
-- you can freely take the other holy skills but I'd prefer saves the SP for Bishop's skill
Max Bless Vital
Max Intelligence
Max Armor Link
Max Twinkle Magic
Max Fortunate Magic
Max Enchanced HP
I suggest dont take light armor expertise, why?
Light Armor Expertise
-- you can use light armor for a while to get more pdef, or stick to robes --
Max Holy Spike
-- you can freely take the other holy skills but I'd prefer saves the SP for Bishop's skill

Max Bless Vital
Max Intelligence
Max Armor Link
Max Twinkle Magic
Max Fortunate Magic
Max Enchanced HP
I suggest dont take light armor expertise, why?
Light Armor Expertise
-- you can use light armor for a while to get more pdef, or stick to robes --
Max Holy Strike - Divine Sword
Fast Heal lvl 1
Buffs (the reason u go for priest)
- Shrewd Spell
- Wisdom
- Shield
- Bless Wind
Max Enchanced HP
Max Holy Strike - Divine Sword
Fast Heal lvl 1
Buffs (the reason u go for priest)
- Shrewd Spell
- Wisdom
- Shield
- Bless Wind
Max Enchanced HP
Max Holy Strike - Divine Sword
Max Turn Undead
Fast Heal lvl 1
Max Holy Barrier
- Shrewd Spell
- Wisdom
- Shield
- Bless Wind
- Orpheu's Poem
Max Spell Barrier
Max Holy Strike - Divine Sword
Max Turn Undead
Fast Heal lvl 1
Max Holy Barrier
- Shrewd Spell
- Wisdom
- Shield
- Bless Wind
- Orpheu's Poem
Max Spell Barrier
Max Holy Spike
Max Holy Justice
-- u can freely take the other holy skills but I'd prefer saves the SP for other skill
Max Binding Soul
Max Cripple
Max Tranquility
-- there binding and sleeping skills helps a lot at grinding since u dont have aoe skills, sleep/bind them and kill 1 by 1 --
Max Inteligence
Max Bless Vital
Max Armor Link
Max Twinkle Magic
Max Fortunate Magic
Max Wizardry
Max Concentration
-- This is optional, low cooldown time, -pdef, but it helps to raise your matk alot --
Max Spell Craft
Max Witchcraft
Max Enhanced HP
Max Holy Spike
Max Holy Justice
-- u can freely take the other holy skills but I'd prefer saves the SP for other skill

Max Binding Soul
Max Cripple
Max Tranquility
-- there binding and sleeping skills helps a lot at grinding since u dont have aoe skills, sleep/bind them and kill 1 by 1 --
Max Inteligence
Max Bless Vital
Max Armor Link
Max Twinkle Magic
Max Fortunate Magic
Max Wizardry
Max Concentration
-- This is optional, low cooldown time, -pdef, but it helps to raise your matk alot --
Max Spell Craft
Max Witchcraft
Max Enhanced HP
Grand Master: After a hardwork till 105~ you are a Grand Master now (:<
NOTE: you will need a reskill at this point,
and pick only 2 massive AoE skills and stick to them because...
Grand Master's skills need a lot of SP, I meant, "A LOT"
I'd prefer to get Blizzard, Tornado Uppercut and Greater Thunder, because it's very useful at grinding.
Blizzard lvl 19 or maxed (if you get free SP left)
-- This skill helps to freeze the enemy while u casts your awesome spell --
Max Intelligence
Max Wizardry
Max Spell Craft
Max Staff Training
Max Boost Spell
Robe Expertise (lvl 10 is enough I think, since you are wearing shields and have heal and Blizzard)
Blizzard lvl 19 or maxed (if you get free SP left)
-- This skill helps to freeze the enemy while u casts your awesome spell --
Max Intelligence
Max Wizardry
Max Spell Craft
Max Staff Training
Max Boost Spell
Robe Expertise (lvl 10 is enough I think, since you are wearing shields and have heal and Blizzard)
PVP Skill Build
After you reached 125 or 130, you can reskill again and go for PVP builds,
most of the pvp skill builds for GM are 1 single target skills, but you can max one of heavy aoe skill to make a massive damage to your enemy xD
Lightning Stun lvl 25
-- DON'T max it to lvl 30 because it wastes alot of SP, and only adds 0,15 stun time
Max Thunder Break or Fire Burst or Wind Anchor
-- pick one of these fast cast skills, or you can just half them to get both. Wind Anchor is a nice skill for melee-ers bcause it damages and reduces patk speed up to 81% for up to 16 seconds --
Max Chilling Breeze
-- Freeze the target for up to 99% chance and 30,1 seconds

Optional :
Wind Spike Maxed
Tornado Uppercut Maxed
Bllizzard lvl 19
Chilling Death lvl 10
Meteor lvl 17
Fire Burn Maxed
Angelic Breath lvl 10
Divine Curse lvl 10
Holy Spike Maxed
Greater Thunder lvl 10
Wind Spike Maxed
Tornado Uppercut Maxed
Bllizzard lvl 19
Chilling Death lvl 10
Meteor lvl 17
Fire Burn Maxed
Angelic Breath lvl 10
Divine Curse lvl 10
Holy Spike Maxed
Greater Thunder lvl 10
Jumping Party~, Lightning Stun > 2x Thunder Break > Lightning Stun > Thunder Break > KEEP STUNNING C:<
Storm Gust!, Chilling Breeze > Lightning Stun > Chilling Death > Thunder Break > Chilling Breeze > waits for cooldown > KEEP THE STORM UP!!
God of Lightning!, Lightning Stun > Angelic Breath > Thunder Break > Lightning Stun > Greater Thunder > MAKE THEM OVERLOADS!!!
Divine Flame!, Lightning Stun > Fire Burn > Divine Curse > Fire Burn > Meteor > BURN THEM WITH THE DIVINE FLAME!!!
Bye bye Speed~, Lightning Stun > Wind Spike > Wind Anchor > Holy Spike > SLOW 'EM DOWN!
Fiery Wind!, Lightning Stun > Wind Anchor > Fire Blast > Fire Burn > Lightning Stun > Tornado Uppercut > FIERY GUST OF WIND!!
Jumping Party~, Lightning Stun > 2x Thunder Break > Lightning Stun > Thunder Break > KEEP STUNNING C:<
Storm Gust!, Chilling Breeze > Lightning Stun > Chilling Death > Thunder Break > Chilling Breeze > waits for cooldown > KEEP THE STORM UP!!
God of Lightning!, Lightning Stun > Angelic Breath > Thunder Break > Lightning Stun > Greater Thunder > MAKE THEM OVERLOADS!!!
Divine Flame!, Lightning Stun > Fire Burn > Divine Curse > Fire Burn > Meteor > BURN THEM WITH THE DIVINE FLAME!!!
Bye bye Speed~, Lightning Stun > Wind Spike > Wind Anchor > Holy Spike > SLOW 'EM DOWN!
Fiery Wind!, Lightning Stun > Wind Anchor > Fire Blast > Fire Burn > Lightning Stun > Tornado Uppercut > FIERY GUST OF WIND!!
NOTE about skills:
Meteor, when you raises Meteor, it adds 1,1 seconds cast time every 2 lvl of Meteor
Chilling Death, if you raises Chilling Death above lvl 10, it takes 5,9 seconds (1,3 seconds longer) to cast without Shrew Spell
Greater Thunder, if you raises Greater Thunder above lvl 10, it takes 9,3 seconds (2,2 seconds longer) to cast without Shrewd Spell, if you dont like to wait, lvl 10 is enough

Fire Burst, after lvl 10, this skill has 3,7 seconds cooldown
Thunder Break, after lvl 10, this skill has 3,5 seconds cooldown
Boost Spell, is a nice skill to raise your matk, much better than Concentration because, it has 50 seconds cooldown and last for 45 seconds, and of course, without -pdef

Training Spots:
1 ~ 10 Gate Of Alker
10 ~ 20 Ruins of Draconian
20 ~ 30 Tarintus
30 ~ 40 Moon Blind Forest
40 ~ 50 The Way to Howling Ravine
51 ~ 61 Howling Ravine (Cyclops)
61 ~ 65 Howling Cave 1F (Ogre)
65 ~ 71 Howling Cave 2F (Ogre Butcher)
71 ~ 80 Howling Cave 2G (Ogre Guard, Ogre Shaman)
80 ~ 90 Valley of Fairy (Treent, Elder Treent)
90 ~ 96 Date Dungeon with DD dummy (Open 2 Clients, and let the other die while you proceed to the end of DD)
96 ~ 105 Nera Harbor, at 103, if you get nice gears, you can kill Mantis 1 by 1 at The Great Garden
You can do DD at if you have it, it HELPS A LOT (:<
1 ~ 10 Gate Of Alker
10 ~ 20 Ruins of Draconian
20 ~ 30 Tarintus
30 ~ 40 Moon Blind Forest
40 ~ 50 The Way to Howling Ravine
51 ~ 61 Howling Ravine (Cyclops)
61 ~ 65 Howling Cave 1F (Ogre)
65 ~ 71 Howling Cave 2F (Ogre Butcher)
71 ~ 80 Howling Cave 2G (Ogre Guard, Ogre Shaman)
80 ~ 90 Valley of Fairy (Treent, Elder Treent)
90 ~ 96 Date Dungeon with DD dummy (Open 2 Clients, and let the other die while you proceed to the end of DD)
96 ~ 105 Nera Harbor, at 103, if you get nice gears, you can kill Mantis 1 by 1 at The Great Garden
You can do DD at if you have it, it HELPS A LOT (:<
A one handed wand and Shield, would help you at defense while using robes

These are the recommended gears:
Tarintus Set (Helm, Robe, Necklace - High Int philoed(Helm) Craft(Robe), 19+ Matk[HC]Necklace)
Artifact: Secret Formula of The Ancient Glove
Faust Boots (20+ int crafted) or Crafted lvl 115 boots(robes) with high int crafted
Faust set (20int philoed, 20+ int craft(Boots))
Farouk's Crystal Ball (19+ Matk[HC] or 20 int philoed)
Kynee (20+ int philoed)
Tarintus Set (Helm, Robe, Necklace - High Int philoed(Helm) Craft(Robe), 19+ Matk[HC]Necklace)
Artifact: Secret Formula of The Ancient Glove
Faust Boots (20+ int crafted) or Crafted lvl 115 boots(robes) with high int crafted
Faust set (20int philoed, 20+ int craft(Boots))
Farouk's Crystal Ball (19+ Matk[HC] or 20 int philoed)
Kynee (20+ int philoed)
Hathor's Ring x2 (19+ Matk[HC] or 25+ int philoed) or Legend: Heart Stone of Evil x2 (19+ Matk[HC] or 15+ int philoed) or Legend: HSoE - Phantasmal Ring (19+ Matk[HC])
-- Using Phantasmal Ring x2 wont doubled the effect --
Gemini 2x or Gemini - Castor (19+ Matk[HC] or 25+ int philoed)
Dragon Slayer - Spell Master (19+ Matk[HC]) or Belt of Wisdom (19+ Matk[HC])
Hathor's Ring x2 (19+ Matk[HC] or 25+ int philoed) or Legend: Heart Stone of Evil x2 (19+ Matk[HC] or 15+ int philoed) or Legend: HSoE - Phantasmal Ring (19+ Matk[HC])
-- Using Phantasmal Ring x2 wont doubled the effect --
Gemini 2x or Gemini - Castor (19+ Matk[HC] or 25+ int philoed)
Dragon Slayer - Spell Master (19+ Matk[HC]) or Belt of Wisdom (19+ Matk[HC])
Medusa's Staff (20+ int philoed)
Aias Shield
Healthy Worm or 3% int Headband
Int Glasses
Cloak of Hellenopolis or Legend: Lower Ends of Goddess Cape (Austere Grand Master - Graveyard of Nera Knights)
if you take 1st path, I'd prefer to use Belt of Wisdom, 8 int, +25% m.crit rate, altough it gives -4% cast speed, you will have 36% m.cast speed combined with lvl 3 Shrewd Spell
if you take 2nd path, Dragon Slayer - Spell Master is good, because you already have 36%+ m.crit rate, and only lvl 1Shrewd Spell (16% m.cast speed if you use Belt of Wisdom)
Maybe some of you wondering about "Where I can get one handed wands?",
these are the 1-H wands and where you can get it,
Wand of Protection - lvl 5 (Fungus Rook - Gate of Alker)
Saver Tiger's Patella - lvl 18 (Red Leopard - Zakandia Outpost)
The Shining Stone - lvl 27 (Stone Golem - Tarintus)
Arcwand - lvl 33 (Orc Archer - Moon Blind Swamp, Red Orc Outpost)
Wand of Glory - lvl 41 (Lucky 77 Case the 3rd)
Holyove - lvl 51 (Basilisk - The Way to The Howling Ravine)
Glory of The Diren - lvl 56 (Lucky 77 Case the 1st)
Crystal Orb - lvl 62 (Lucky 77 Case the 3rd)
Wizardly Wand - lvl 63 (Red Mimic - Dryed Gazell Fall)
Zukini Death Wand - lvl 69 (Lucky 77 Case 1st)
Power of Lotus - lvl 83 (Lucky 77 Case 3rd)
Medusa's Staff - lvl 104 (Fighter in the Wind - Graveyard of Nera Knights)
Wand of Protection - lvl 5 (Fungus Rook - Gate of Alker)
Saver Tiger's Patella - lvl 18 (Red Leopard - Zakandia Outpost)
The Shining Stone - lvl 27 (Stone Golem - Tarintus)
Arcwand - lvl 33 (Orc Archer - Moon Blind Swamp, Red Orc Outpost)
Wand of Glory - lvl 41 (Lucky 77 Case the 3rd)
Holyove - lvl 51 (Basilisk - The Way to The Howling Ravine)
Glory of The Diren - lvl 56 (Lucky 77 Case the 1st)
Crystal Orb - lvl 62 (Lucky 77 Case the 3rd)
Wizardly Wand - lvl 63 (Red Mimic - Dryed Gazell Fall)
Zukini Death Wand - lvl 69 (Lucky 77 Case 1st)
Power of Lotus - lvl 83 (Lucky 77 Case 3rd)
Medusa's Staff - lvl 104 (Fighter in the Wind - Graveyard of Nera Knights)
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